Cook County Sheriff Meeting
Written by: Eiran Feldman
Contributed : Arlecta Beard
Marty Max
Allen Smith
NBOA had an opportunity to sit down with staff members from Cook County Sheriff department and discuss the issues at hand. Members from the sheriff department included reps from the legal department and Civil department.
NBOA has been meeting with the sheriff department for the last 4 years and have been able to make some headway on the main issues. We will start with the biggest topic everyone is asking about and cover process server and what owners can do to help reduce the back log in the second part.
First and for most the Sheriff department internal numbers show they are running 7-8 weeks from the time the order of possession is given to the day the Sheriff department removes the tenant from the building. Sheriff department has assigned additional staff to catch up on the back log of evictions and is making arrangements to add even more until eviction times are trimmed down to 3-4 weeks. In the last three years similar efforts were put in place with great successes in reducing eviction times during Spring, Summer and Fall. Currently about 80-100 eviction are being done in Cook County per day.
Moving forward the Sheriff department is looking into ways to prevent such a drastic increase in eviction times during the winter months. Bare in mind that the stop on evictions for the Holidays in December is ordered by the head Judge and not by the Sheriff department.
Process Server - NBOA has been working with the Sheriff department on ways to streamline and improve the success ratio of tenants being served. To help increase the chances owners should check with their attorneys that the following details are included in eviction filings:
1. Include phone numbers for Janitors/building manager which will help the deputy gain accesses to the building.
2. Include best hours to serve tenant.
3. Include in paper work whether tenant is elderly, disabled or has dog/s. (Becomes very important when eviction crew comes out).
Sheriff department is working on tracking success ratio at serving tenants.
Going back to the day of the eviction and how owners can help stream line the process for themselves and all owners in general.
1. Inform the Sheriff department if a tenant has moved out - Every day roughly 15%-25% of scheduled evictions are not needed due to early move out. Once the Sheriff department sets the schedule for the fallowing day their is NO way to add more evictions to the list on the fly. Owners can gain about a day a week just by calling/emailing the Sheriff department that the tenant has moved out.
email -
2. Make sure the Sheriff department is aware whether the tenant is elderly, disabled and/or has dogs. contrary to common belief the Sheriff department does not slow down the eviction process because of this information. The details are delegated to an in house Cook County social worker who engages the tenant. The social worker goal is to help make arrangements for the tenant/s to move out to a place that can accommodate the tenants needs. Evictions stall when the deputies are not informed about tenant disabilities and have to spend time figuring out the situation. The actual eviction could end up being stalled by a week or two. If the tenant refuses help the eviction continues to take it's course.
3. Have a person waiting and ready to engage the deputies upon arrival to the property with keys.
We are working on getting representatives from the Sheriff department to come and speak at our Builder groups in the next couple of months.
This information is not meant to be legal advice and any property owner planning on evicting a tenant should consult an eviction attorney before doing so. Using the information in the blog is done at the risk of the building owner/property manager.
04/08/2015 - 1:00pm - Getting updates on current Eviction times from some owners. From the day
of the filing to the day the tenant was removed from the apartment - 11