Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Did the Fire Marshall Wave a White Flag?

Last week the IL State Fire Marshall, the man who allegedly was away on vacation, excited thousands of property owners and tenants when he announced that he was withdrawing his proposal to require sprinkler systems and other gimmicks throughout the State.  Condo boards posted “We Won” on their websites and a few drinks were poured. Management companies received “thank you” notes from the residents of their buildings for their help in the organizing efforts.  But those who read past the first few lines are not sure. 

What the IL State Fire Marshall said was:

"In the course of this process, it’s become clear that any proposed state rule needs additional refinement.

“Therefore today I am officially withdrawing the proposed rule before the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules to take into account substantial public comment and carefully re-examine this issue.”

In other words, the victory is only temporary.  One lobbyist told us that the Governor ordered him to pull it back because the uproar was so loud that it was detracting from some of the Governor’s pet projects.  That same lobbyist is hypothesizing that the proposals, with some tiny modifications, will be back after elections.

What the Fire Marshall, with the support of the Governor, did was try to push through a job creating/ profit making program that has been turned down in the State legislature.
There is a Committee in the State Legislature called the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules.  It is a bi-partisan committee made up of 6 Senators and 6 Representatives, equally divided between both parties.  The Committee has the power to approve the adoption of rules for the state.  The Governor cannot veto their decisions but he appoints the State Fire Marshall who introduced the proposals.

The Fire Marshall's proposal has many negative aspects.
It has the potential to bankrupt the Housing Industry
It will destroy the Affordable Housing Market
It ignores the difference between urban and rural fire fighting strategies
It challenges the Home Rule powers of municipalities.
- It is very expensive and speaks to an almost nonexistent problem.

The time has come to put this issue to rest, once and for all. The Fire Marshall and his supporters have had their friends in the legislature introduce sprinkler legislation before.  Each time the elected representatives of the citizens have defeated these efforts. 

We will need your help again.  Stayed tuned.